Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You're the opposite of any Cambodian girl I know

That's what my co-worker said to me as we gradually started to discuss racial stereotypes. And I agree with her. I am not your average Khmer girl. For those of you who don't know, a stereotypical Khmer girl in America: has blonde/brown dyed hair, pencil thin eyebrows (imagine a chola), hangs out and only dates thugs, gets pregnant at 15, drinks/smokes, gambles, talks like she's black and doesn't have an education above high school level. Very different from the subservient quiet type that all asian girls are labeled with, right? Only two of what I listed applies to me (drinking and sometimes using urban jargon). I'm not saying that all Khmer American girls fit this stereotype, but that is what most of us are seen as. I can't count how many Khmer friends I have with my hands. Only cause I don't have any. I'm not saying I'm better than them. I just never really clicked with them. The only time I associate with Khmers is when I'm at the temple, an asian market, or hanging out with my brothers and their friends. As to why I don't fit in with these labels, I haven't a clue. We all grew up in the same environment and pretty much have the same background.

So let me ask you this (that is if anyone reads this blog). What are stereotypes that are associated with your ethnicity?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dear Paula Patton,

What is it like to be married to this:

The man is too hot for words. I guess now I know how prepubescent girls feel when they see the Jonas Brothers. If you want to make babies, listen to Sex Therapy. Hear it. Love it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dress like a titty

oh how i love the japanese!

Titty & Co.

Friday, May 1, 2009

view from the bus stop

you know what's amusing?
watching someone repeatedly trying to parallel park in a moderate sized parking space.

you know what's even more amusing?
there's a fire hydrant right in the middle of that space! and she still parked.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Crabs vs Jellyfish

Betcha can't guess who this is

Even as a woman he looks fierce. Click on the image to find out.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Don't know what to cook for your Valentine?

How about some chocolate flavored ramen?!